Hearing Consultations

Undergoing a hearing screening is the first step toward developing a custom treatment plan. As part of our efforts to provide a relaxed patient experience, American Hearing and Balance wants clients to know what to expect when they come in for a screening. Below, we’ll outline the way that hearing works and what happens during a hearing test.

Hearing Basics

Our physicians spent years learning the science behind human hearing. While we cannot condense their vast knowledge into a few short paragraphs, we want to give you a glimpse inside the process of human hearing. The hearing process can be broken down into 6 primary steps, which are:


Hearing Test

When do you need a hearing test?

Generally, it is recommended that adults have their hearing tested in 10-year intervals until they turn 50 years old. After hitting this milestone, they should get a hearing test every three years.

About 14% of adults ages 45 to 64 have some hearing loss and approximately one-third of adults over age 65 experience auditory decline. Anyone that is showing signs of hearing damage should also schedule a hearing test.

How can a hearing test help?

Before our physicians can appropriately treat you, they must first understand the extent of your hearing damage. Hearing tests show which types of sounds you are having trouble detecting and how severe the problem has become.

After they have performed necessary diagnostic testing, our staff can provide you with a data-backed treatment plan.

What to expect with a hearing test.

There are three types of hearing tests that we perform at American Hearing and Balance. They include:


Audiometric Test

An audiometric test usually lasts less than half an hour. You will be placed in a soundproof room and provided with earplugs or headphones. Our equipment will emit sounds at various volumes and pitches. You will provide feedback when you hear a sound by pressing a button.



A tympanometry is an auditory diagnostic test that measures the function of your eardrum and middle ear. Our staff measures the air pressure within your ear canal, which should change as you hear a tone. The results are presented in a tympanogram, which is a special graph.


Otoacoustic Emisssions (OAE) Test

An OAE test is used to check the performance and function of your inner ear. This is the part of your ear that contains the cochlea. Our staff will put a small earphone in your ear. The probe emits sounds and measures the output of your cochlea, which we monitor throughout the exam.

Understanding the Results of a Hearing Test

When we’re reviewing your results, our staff members will assess several factors. Unlike some other exams, hearing tests are not pass/fail. Instead, we measure your degree of hearing loss.

The first tool we use is an audiogram. This is a graph that shows the results of a pure-tone diagnostic test. It displays the volume that was required for you to hear certain frequencies.

The frequency of a sound is measured in hertz. Higher frequency means that the sound wave repeats itself more rapidly. Our staff will also utilize decibels to understand your results. Decibels are used to measure the volume or power of a sound.

Diagnosis and treatment recommendations

After reviewing your results, our staff will be able to make an accurate diagnosis. They will also provide you with a custom treatment plan. This plan may involve protecting your remaining ability to hear. For patients with substantial hearing loss, our staff might also prescribe hearing aids.

read about our hearing aid options

Hearing Loss Treatment for Loved Ones

Unfortunately, hearing loss is more prevalent in older adults. Even when this hearing loss is apparent, it can be tough to talk a loved one into seeing an audiologist. It may be hard for them to admit that they need help or to accept a decline in physical abilities.

Many patients and their loved ones are extremely satisfied with the welcoming environment that we have created at American Hearing and Balance. Our inviting office space may make it easier for you to talk to a resistant family member about seeking treatment.

Hearing Protection

While our skilled audiologists in Los Angeles can treat hearing loss, not even the most expert doctor can repair the damage to your ear’s core components. That is why you must protect your ears if you work or live in a noisy environment.

Occupational-related hearing loss is some of the most common. High-risk professions include:

  • Airport workers
  • Law enforcement
  • Musicians
  • Factory workers

However, occupational hearing loss is not the only group that needs to protect their ears proactively. Popular recreational activities can also endanger your hearing. A few examples include:

  • Musicians
  • Hunters
  • Shooting enthusiasts
  • Surfers and Swimmers

We offer specialty swimming ear plugs for surfers and swimmers who may experience repeated ear infections or Surfer’s Ear due to frequent exposure to cold water and windy conditions. A condition known as exostosis, or Surfers’ Ear, can develop where bone begins to grow in the ear canal if the ears are not protected while surfing. Swimmers, too, can benefit from using custom swim plugs to prevent ear infections.

Fortunately, American Hearing and Balance can help you protect your ability to hear. We offer custom hearing protection solutions as well as custom molds for iPods, and earplugs for sleeping. We even sell musician’s plugs and monitors.

Contact our team to learn more and find out if custom hearing protection is right for you.

Ear Wax Management

Typically, ear wax will clear out on its own. However, disruptions to the natural movement of the wax can cause it to build up in your ear canal. That is especially common in patients who wear hearing aids.

American Hearing and Balance offers ear wax management services to help prevent complications. We recommend that patients using hearing aids receive ear wax cleaning and hearing aid deep cleaning every six months. Doing so can protect them from additional hearing loss or infection.

Schedule Your Appointment

Call or Text Us: (213) 536-4543

If you prefer for us to contact you about an appointment for a hearing consultation, hearing aid fitting or service, or if you have questions for our hearing experts, please complete and submit this form and a member of our staff will contact you shortly.